Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jezebel and the Spirit of Python

It started with a glimpse into the spiritual, but the image was burned in my mind. I dismissed it and thought it was just my imagination. A vision of a greenish-yellow snake crawling on the stage of our new church building. Later on the next day I told Pastor Jamie and he explained to me that I should've said something when I first saw it. I vowed to myself that the next time I see something I wouldn't hesitate.

What was that vision? Who was it for? What did it all mean? All questions that soon would be answered.

I was told that it was the spirit of python. It represented the spirit of divination, witchcraft, and rebellion. It's a spirit that squeezes the life (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) out of an individual or the body. Just when you think you can take a breath or get some relief the grip is tightened and the impartation and life is squeezed out again.

Our body was in a spiritual battle with this particular spirit and getting hit hard all around the board. My spirit was on high alert and I wanted to understand, so I stayed in the word and in prayer with my Father.

Wednesday night the spirit was revealed. Then thursday night the men dealt with the spirit head on in a powerful time of prayer at Jaime's house. IN THE NAME OF JESUS EVERY ENEMY HAS TO FLEE!!! The Holy Spirit moved and settled where we were and everyone was touched. That friday night one of our own was at battle with this spirit, one on one and was able to be delivered as God used our Pastor to set him free in the name of Jesus. On saturday morning a couple of the men and I surrounded our brother in prayer to restore vision and a new level of annointing in his life and it was awesome.

But Sunday morning war broke out in the spiritual....

As I was in worship I felt the intensity of the enemy and saw the spirit of python again. This time it was bigger and stronger than before. It crawled on the stage and coilded up to gaurd itself and was preparing to strike. I told my Pastor right away. After that I felt in my spirit I needed to pray, but I needed some warriors by my side. I prayed for God to give me someone to pray with. As I walked and turned around at the same time my brother Carlos was getting up. Praise God. I called him over and let him know the situation as we went to the back rows of the church to pray. I called another one of our brothers Hakim to join us in prayer too. As we prayed and interceded I saw our spirits moving towards the python with swords in our hands. The spirit was agitated and started to get in position to strike. As our spirits surrounded the python I noticed legions of angels in the form of a V behind each one of us. A powerful sight to see.

Pastor Jamie preached the story of Jehoshaphat and how the nation of Israel worshipped the one and only God. And as the people got into their positions to attack the end result was the people's praise in the midst of battle caused God to move and win the battle for them. Then he spoke about Paul and Silas being beaten and thrown into jail and their praise caused God to set them free due to their unwavering love towards our Lord.


As the message was being brought the spirit of python began shrinking smaller and smaller. But I noticed that there was a darkness behind the spirit kind of like a curtain. I sensed in my spirit that there was something behind it.

At the end of the message my wife and Christine perfomed a dance and it created like a shield gaurding the people and the python attacked it, but couldn't get through. But it wasn't enough!!! God wanted more and I could feel it. After the dance was over Pastor Jamie ushered in a time of Praise and Worship to bring the presence of God among the people and the atmosphere shifted. I wept as the Holy Spirit came in and settled among us. God led me to the altar and as I prayed in tongues this tiny python spirit slithered towards me and stared into my eyes. It tried to intimidate me even in it's defeated state. I grabbed it and squeezed it like it did to our body of believers. God told me to pull out my sWord and cut it's head off. I was obdient and I felt the Holy Spirit's victory. I noticed at this time who was behind the curtain. It was the spirit of Jezebel (control and manipulation) and she was smiling at me. She was controlling and manipulating the spirit of python and increasing it's power. As I looked at her she began to laugh at me (US) then she spoke to me (US) and told me she'd be back. All I could do is answer back and I told her we'd be ready!!! And she disappeared behind the dark curtain.

I've never seen so much in the spiritual realm my whole walk, but it was for the body. We were in a spiritual battle and in our praises to our God, he won the battle for us. This is to encourage and acknowledge the as we were faithful and worshipped him the Holy Spirit came in and was thick among us. Even as we were in our time of praise, as I moved I saw the Holy Spirit and it was all around like a shinning cloud of bright blue. I want you people to know that God gave us a major victory. Be encouraged because we are powerful and mighty in our relationship with a living God. He loves us so much and when we put him first we show him that we want the same thing. I love you guys and I can't wait to see what God does in your lives as you remain faithful.

May the Almighty God of heaven and earth continue to mold you into mighty men and women for his kingdom forever and ever.