Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PowerHouse of Prayer

I noticed a calm in the night, yet there was something starting to intensify, but I couldn't put my finger on it. As I walked through the door the air was electric as I greeted fellow soldiers ready to engage in spiritual warfare. I could see the anticipitation in their eyes and I sensed it in their spirits. We started off by gathering in a cirlce, as a fellow warrior started the time off with PRAYER. As we became unified we began to sway like tree tops blown by a cool breeze. Suddenly the small individual voices began to combine and form one big POWERFUL VOICE.

And like that there was a shift in the room as we ignited our souls with PRAYER and exploded into the spiritual dimension. It was a blood bath as we all began to crucify our flesh and lay our blood and guts at the floor of the altar. Then the FIRE OF THE LORD came down and consumed the carcasses of sin and all that was left were piles of bones and ashes.


From the ashes of the altar rose up a mighty army refined in the flames of sanctification. An army not of flesh and bone, but of truth and spirit. One by one a holy roar began to build up and then thundered as they lifted up the NAME OF JESUS. The name above all names! Some were in a posture of submission, some in a posture freedom, but all were in the position of glorifying the lamb of God. The heavens were bombarded with the sounds of his children aching for his manifest presence. Then our Pastor stepped on the scene and rallied the troops to intensify their efforts and focus it all on each other for the deliverance from our earthly bondages. People shouted as we PRAYED for one another and strongholds crumbled before the sons and daughters of the Most High.


The Holy Spirit continued to move like a wave on the shore, back and forth through the body of believers. Some prayed in the spirit, some waved flags, others layed prostrate before the Lord. Real warriors contend for more and we did just that. After letting the joy of the Lord build up in our hearts we knew it was time. So as ONE we UNLEASHED IT!!!

It was like a flood of worship pouring out of every individual there. We danced like David and shouted his praise with all our might. True freedom is a beautiful thing to witness and the site was priceless. As we were waving flags and leaping for joy I could feel our Father dancing among us. In emptying ourselves of ourselves we allowed him to fill us with a new level of his Holy Spirit. The victory is ours in Christ Jesus and we claim that promise with shouts of praise and freedom.

This day we were United and became a POWERHOUSE OF PRAYER.



  1. beautiful. i can see everything you described and it was described just as it happened.
    you are turning into an amazing writer, able to capture things as they happened.
    i love you and keep letting God use your words to glorify HIM.

  2. AMEN! It was a powerful night!! I think we could of stayed there a few more hours! In the name of Jesus CHAINS were BROKEN!!! And some were able to peel off those grave clothes! God is good and so FAITHFUL!

    So when's the next one!?!?

  3. AMEN my Brother! The intensity in that place was powerful. I know strongholds were broken that night, truly in the name of Jesus. God is good!
