Malachi 4:2
It was another ordinary day. A day that was just like all the other days. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the breeze gently glided between the people. There were men and women, young and old, and all were gathered together in an ordinary and meaningless place on another regular day.
Suddenly, there was a shift in the atmosphere. The ordinary day was interrupted by unfamiliar faces. Their faces had a different light, almost like that of the SON. The people living in the ordinary are having their life invaded by the extraordinary. These aliens quickly surrounded the people with love and kindness. Tending to their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Food for the body and food for the soul.
Then the aliens approached one of the older men in need. He clung to his cane and shifted all his body weight onto the only thing allowing him to stand. He explained to them that he needed knee replacements because his bone was on top of his other bone. You could see the anguish in his eyes. Gently they explained that God could heal him right there and then. His eyes brightened as hope and faith entered his heart. He confessed that he believed and that he knew God could heal him. Excited to see God move they all agreed on the result of full restoration. They placed their hands on his knees, believed and received his healing by faith in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ.
After the amen, there was a silence, even the winds seemed to calm. The man stood to his feet and whispered, “Me siento mejor!”, and he began to walk WITHOUT his cane. We praised and worshipped God together for what he did. In an instant Christ was what he clung to and the only thing allowing him to stand. Other people began to rejoice and believe in God’s healing power and the winds began to blow. Many others were healed as God rose with healing in his wings. The ordinary day was transformed into an extraordinary day in history for the people in Nicaragua.
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