Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Suffer as HE Suffered

James 1:2. I love this verse! When we think about how God moves, he takes the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, and it gives me goose bumps. Just like the under dog story of David and Goliath (this is revelation by the way) Jesus came into this world the lowest of the low, nothing like who he truly is, which is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus was born to take on the whole world and everything in it from day one. Satan, demons, sin, death, and the Kingdom of Darkness. Jesus is VICIOUS. In the book of James it puts it plain, we will be tested in our walk and if we walk like Christ did then we're in for one heck of a ride. The entire world is coming against us and when that happens we should take joy in that because we're finally doing something right. Satan won't bother what's already his, but when your God's all hell breaks loose and you're moved to the WANTED list. Praise God that I'm walking the walk of suffering like Christ did.

James 1:2
Consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

The Lord tests but the devil tempts to evil. When we're being tested we should put it in the right perspective. God is doing this to improve our faith not to destroy it. And if your faith is secure then you can overcome anything. Jesus' faith in God gave him the PERSEVERANCE to endure HIS suffering to overcome the world. When you've matured or completed your perseverance process you will lack nothing. Some of us are so incomplete, because we haven't persevered in certain areas of our life. Let us grab hold of the hard times and breakthrough instead of giving up. If we hold onto the Lord and let him be our strength we'll win every battle that comes our way. If we're joyful in our times of distress when will we be seen as weak? NEVER!

Psalms 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

This is another great verse. God already has a set path for our life and when we embrace that and follow him, his joy will be our joy. In obedience (worship) God's presence can manifest because he's being exalted. God will not forsake us when we're in tune with him and his spirit. This verse makes me think of a treasure hunt to get our buried treasure. To get to him we have to follow his map for our life in order to get to our destination safely. Once saved the path is known to us. All we need to do is let him guide us and we obtain the joy and can finally bask in his presence.

Hebrews 12:2

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross. scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Constant themes in these verses are faith, joy, and eduring (persevering) suffering to finally make it to our Daddy. James reminds us that faith develops perseverance. Psalms is the knowledge of the path to get to the one who fills us with joy. And Hebrews affirms that we need to focus on Jesus the perfect example of perfect faith in order to endure temporal life to get to God. I believe these words are for the type of Christian who loves to take leaps in their walk to chase after God. In order to persevere our faith must be tested. If your faith is weak you can't persevere. We must be tested and we must endure all kinds of suffering. We walk like it says in Psalms in the path of life, but we don't walk by site we walk by faith. What does your walk look like? If it looks like a walk in the park it's weak. If you've been to hell and back and you're still standing firm that's the walk of Christ. Jesus was crucified, then he died, went to hell, rose on the third day, and then ascended into heaven. Let's imitate that journey in our life, embrace our cross, die to sin, overcome death, and rise to heavens to obtain the joy we've fought for. amen amen

Monday, December 22, 2008

Opening Heaven

I've opened a door no one can shut and it feels so good. At the end of this year God has been revealing to many things to really keep track of. This year for our church has been the year of breakthrough and I've made a major one. God's been pounding me with the message of freedom. Ever since the Spirit Walk it's been a whole different ball game. We started a fire that went wild within us and traveled to the body. This new year is going to be a year of waging war on the enemy in Jesus name. A few men of God the Spirit's been connecting me to have been Joshua Isaiah, and Ezekiel. God's been giving me the task of having the keys to the kingdom, freedom for the people, speaking the breath of life to the dry bones, and setting things on fire for the Kingdom. He's also been raising up powerful men of God to get this next year on point for In The Light. As a church we've been functioning in a totally different level and God's going to open up some doors that no one can really comprehend. I'm just writing this down, when God fulfills his promises I can look back and be amazed at how much God moves. I pray that you all experience the increasing power of the Spirit that's being poured out. Draw closer to our Father and watch how He pours out heaven. O yea I forgot that God's also given me a new song and I'm ready to use it to see the do what it does and that's FREEDOM. Thoughts a little jumbled and scattered, but like the word says, he who has ears let him hear.

May you experience the GOD of grace and feel His overwhelming love, as He reveals His perfect purpose for your life.


The WildMan of GOD aka Deadman Walking aka The Banner of the Lord aka El Capitan of Light aka The Watchman aka Fire of the Lord aka breath of Life aka Freeman aka Sirayne

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Master's Plan

Let me start at the beginning...
This Sunday Pastor Jamie spoke on Leader shift. He showed us how God place the burning bush into Moses regular routine to see if he would divert his attention and see what God was doing.
Monday morning there's a major water main break on 4th and Susquehanna Ave that flooded the whole block and caused major damage. Since I started my new job MY bus goes right by Susquehanna on MY regular ROUTINE to WORK. I was like whoa!!!
I felt God telling me to get off track of my regular ROUTINE (like Moses) and go check out what was going on, but I did not listen. The further the bus moved away from the Church the more I felt like I was being pulled to go. I felt like I had just missed my burning bush experience for God to speak something that would dramatically change my world again. All morning my spirit felt ashamed and I was heart broken and felt like I'd never get that chance again. I mean what are the chances that another water main would break or a burning bush would call out and give me direction?
After some encouragement from my wife and family I decided I'd make it up to God by going at the end of the day. So I get prayed up and in the word and leave work to go get my burning bush experience back. I get there and it's dark and the street looked like a meteor hit it. I keep it moving and I get to the church and it's not even touched. Praise God! He protected us! I spy out the scene a little bit and put my spiritual eyes on.
I see some people outside so I take advantage of the situation and speak to some of them and let them know the church is here for them and that we'll help with any needs they have. They greatly appreciated it and I was blessed.

POP! I hear some screams and a man falls to the ground. 4 or 5 other guys scream they shot him! Help! Help! Still in disbelief I pause and soak it in. Is this really happening?
SOMEBODY HELP!!!!! I snap out of it and run towards them. As his friends are screaming, cursing, and panicking I get down with the victim. Some try and push me away others ignore me as they scream to Hasson to stay awake.

What if he dies?
yes....yes...i know God
(fades in and out of consciousness)
Unsure of what he means I just decide to pray over him as I hold his head up.
Jesus his life is in your hands, he is not done, you have a plan for his life, I'm not here by accident save his life Father and show him your purpose for his life.

I hear the screams of sirens as the cops arrive and are quick to act. We lift Hasson into the back of the cop car as some of the other friends attack the house where the assilant shot from. I know things can escalate and get worse, so I looked for someone who would listen. After getting ignored a couple times I find someone. He's in tears and in disbelief in what's taking place. I go to him and ask his name.

Brad, Hasson's going to be fine, but do you want someone else to get shot?
He shakes his head. Listen I prayed with Hasson, but what if something happens to you? I love you to much to let that happen. He looks up and stares me in the eyes. I want to pray with you. Can I pray with you? He nods yes. After praying with him, I told him he needs to get his friends and leave and pray for Hasson. After a few moments him and his friends left, as did I. As I walked to my car with my wife waiting and not knowing what just happened I talk to God.

You are amazing!!!! You knew what I was going to do before I even did it!!!! If I would've gotten off the bus in the morning I would've never have been part of what you just did!!! God you are, crazy and perfect the way you do things. I love you, so much and you used what I felt like was a failure and used it to touch lives. Only an all powerful, all knowing God could've planned that out so perfectly. WOW!!!!!

Not only is God using me to this degree, but what's about to happen with our whole church is going to open this city to the biggest revival since Acts. Not only my church, the whole body of Christ in Philadelphia and world wide. The Holy Spirit is about to be unleased like a FLOOD over the earth, not to destroy but to make things live again. My daddy's got a plan and I'm trying to be involve with my father's work. Amen? AAAAAAAAAAMEN AAAAAAAAAAMEN

Hope you were blessed and encouraged with the short version of this story....there's so much more to it. It's still blowing my mind as we speak and that's the God I serve, love, and worship.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spirit Walk

Numbers 13 & Deuteronomy 20

It was a cold and dark night in November as five mighty men of valor set out on a journey with no idea what God was going to reveal to change their lives forever. They marched and set out for the heart of the city to see what was good in the land. On the way their hearts were stirred as they looked at the people they met along the way. Their blind eyes were opened to the world that they've never experienced before and like Jesus they ached for change.
Then they reached their destination. An historical landmark that has often attracted many to it's famous steps. They climbed to the top and slowly turned around to see the landscape of beautiful skyscrapers and countless lights like stars on earth.
God had sent us on a recon mission like he sent the 12 tribes of Israel to scout out the land. We saw that it was good and like Joshua and Caleb, we knew with God on our said the city is ours. We looked into the heart of the city and saw the possibilities of what our Mighty God could do. Painting a picture with words we began to cast vision and speak life back into the "city of brotherly love." The Spirit began to move as we joined together in prayer to intercede for our promised land. We cast out fear, doubt, hollow words, and not moving in our calling in Jesus name.
Distractions and noise began to fill what was once an empty stairway. We continued to press and and magnify our God. As we finished out prayer we turned and looked to the bottom of the steps and their were clusters of people gathered. We were in awe. How powerful our God is that as we were faithful and proclaimed victory, he brought us souls to save. Still in a state of shock and disbelief we crept by unsure of what to do. Approaching one of many I asked what they were doing and the information intrigued me. I blessed him and we went on our way. Reaching the other side I had to turn and look again at what was taking place.
It was a thing of beauty to see our God work. I realized how small my belief was and how great my God is. I saw something that belonged to him and I wanted to capture it for him, but was unsure of how to do it. I said, we need to speak. Afraid and unsure of the outcome I had to do something. A brother encouraged me to go and without hesitation I did. My brothers followed as we walked in faith not by sight or feeling. I saw the one of many I talked to before and told him my testimony and what God could do in his life. The seed was planted. Obedience gave way for God to work and we were honored to be witnesses of it.
As we marched off into the night we knew God orchestrated every part of what took place. Awestruck and amazed we just praised out Father and what he did and what he's got in store for us for the rest of our lives. We had a mission and we accomplished what needed to be done. Good soldiers following orders and trusting in the one giving them. Freely we received, freely we give. Be encouraged and remember we walk by faith not by sight, by the spirit and not by the flesh.

amen amen

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mind over Matter

1 Peter 1:13 Prepare your mind for action....
What does that mean? How do you prepare your mind for action?
When I read those words I knew God was showing me something very important, but I couldn't grasp what HE was speaking. I prayed and meditated.
Hmmmmmmm.....Got it!!!
HE gave me a picture of a warrior in a quiet place. The warrior sat still, but in his eyes there was an intensity that flowed from him like electricity. If the battlefield is in the mind then the preparations must take place there as well. God was telling me I needed to still my body and envision the entire battle in my mind and fight it there. I picture the things I fight against which are not of flesh and blood and I see the victory I already have in Christ.
I opened my eyes and realized that the battle I haven't even fought yet has the same result as every other battle I'll fight for the rest of my life...VICTORY!!! If we fight in our minds against these things it'll manifest in reality. Envision your victory and then speak it into existence. We serve the God who calls things that aren't as though they were and we have the same ability.
Diseases meet HEALING
Weaknesses meet STRENGTH
I don't know about you, but I can't stand being weak in my walk with God. I need another level to get me closer to HIM and what HE wants to do on this earth. And it's funny because every time I focus on my problems God always reminds me it's not about me it's about others. You know what? I see people everyday dying slow enough for me to do something about it, but I'm slow to action. My challenge to myself and to you is to prepare your mind for action like the word of God says, and then ACT!!!

amen amen

Friday, October 31, 2008

No more camouflage

No more camouflage soldiers!!!

The purpose of camouflage is to blend into your surroundings in order to hide from an enemy, but that doesn't sit well with this man of God. As humans in our flesh, our tendency when attacked is to ball up into the fetus position instead of standing firm in our faith. Soldier we must count it as pure joy in those times of testing, because it's in those moments that we are being forged into powerful weapons for the kingdom of God. The word of God tells us that we're meant to be lights in the darkness just as Jesus was the light of the world. So i ask you this simple question, if we aren't being attacked what does that say?

Are we afraid? Are we cowards in the faith that we so strongly profess?

It's a sad picture when the children of God have been blending and hiding in the darkness instead of being a light shinning in it. Soldier you need to realize the power you posses in Christ Jesus. I've never read a story in the bible that showed Jesus as being some flimsy push over type of guy. When HE showed up HE came with a double-edged sword to slice this world in half and let the pieces fall where they may. Speaking from a warriors point of view I'll rush into battle any day for my Lord and Savior. In closing remember this, when you shine the light of Christ in this world the forces of darkness have no other choice but to flee from the scene.
So no more blending in people.....


Thursday, October 30, 2008

We're at War

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.

We're at war people and we await our orders.
Our position is on the front line of battle where the battle is the fiercest.
We stand toe to toe and eye to eye with the enemy and his minions.
We're calm yet a storm of courage and strength builds inside our soul aching to be released.
The time draws near and the enemy gets anxious and chaos breaks loose among their ranks.
Blood is on their breath and hate in their eyes. They shriek as a voice like rushing waters speaks from heaven.
The war cry is sounded and the army of the Lord breaks loose and sweeps over the darkness crushing every serpent underfoot. A glorious site as the light envelopes the darkness until there is only light. Shouts of victory flood the heavens and the earth and praises are raised to the Father. What a beautiful day we're moving towards.

amen amen


Let me ask you a question...Do you have what it takes?

Soldier God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill his perfect purpose for your life. He's given you all the weapons you need for spiritual warfare to fight back the forces of darkness.

Second question...Are you using those tools or are you letting them get rusty and dull?

I extend a challenge to you and even myself to bring our your arsenal and start utilizing those weapons of warfare.


There is so much damage we could do to this dark world order, but we never finish boot camp. Let's be powerful and effective and move like a mighty river and overtake the enemy instead of letting him have his way with us.



Rock of my Salvation

I've known my savior as many things and recently HE'S been revealing HIMSELF to me as the ROCK of my salvation.
HE showed me that HE is SOLID, IMMOVABLE, and SECURE.
When I feel like life was tossing me back in forth like waves, HE reminded me that I have HIM to cling to.
The faithfulness of HIS word never wavers. Even when we get caught up in the stream of the day to day struggles, HE'S there. It's not until we decide to grab on and hold on for dear life that HE can show us what HE can really do.


HE'S unchanging yet ever changing.
Picture yourself in your darkest and most hopeless moment and imagine HIM as a huge rock. Hide behind that ROCK and watch as the attempts of the enemy are all in vain as they beat themselves up against that ROCK THAT WILL NEVER MOVE.
Now take a step back and look at that ROCK that has protected you from what you thought was trying to destroy you and appreciate HIM.


My challenge to you is to stop living in these sand castles you've built for yourself, because when the tide comes in you'll lose it all. Build your life on the ETERNAL ROCK and watch how HE transforms your life of rubble into an unbreakable fortress.

amen amen

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Trenches of War

The stench of battle fills the air.
I hear the voices of fellow soldiers surrendering to the enemy.
Not even if I'm all alone will I give in!
My Spirit man cries out for war and I let out a holy roar.
The enemy scatters in confusion. They thought they finished everyone off, but there is still one man of God still left standing. I rise off the ground the mighty warrior I was created to be. Blood stained body ready to take back what the enemy has stolen. Reinforcements are on the way.
My brother's in arms heard the great war cry. I'm surrounded by mighty MEN OF VALOR.
The heavens open and our father speaks.
WAGE WAR ON THE ENEMY IN MY NAME....a HOLY WAR is being fought as we speak.
The Lord is our strength of whom shall we be afraid?
Righteous men march through the battle field destroying the strongholds of the enemy. The enemy flees at the name of Jesus. An army of Light engages the army of darkness and the victory is already ours. The cross to the resurrection ensures that our savior has done everything to secure eternal life with him in heaven.
As we secure our position and invade the enemies camp we see many casualties of war, but we will never become that. We move forward and progress in the things of God even during the heat of battle. Let us remember the call and fight for the lost especially during the battles we fight day to day. The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. I want for nothing yet fight for everything he stands for. Be encouraged and keep moving forward.

amen amen

Monday, September 22, 2008

Double Edged Sword

Hebrews 4:12 talks about the word of God being like a double edged sword that separates; soul from spirit, joints and marrow, and the mind and heart. Sometimes we swing the word of God around aimlessly and exhaust ourselves in the process. So often we apply the word to outside forces and forget to apply it to the internal battles. I'd like to introduce a practice that samurai's use when they've been defeated called sepuku. Samurai kneel down and turn the blade they've used to slaughter countless enemies and pierce themselves with a fatal wound.
I believe this can translate over to Christians everywhere. Sometimes we need to turn the double edged sword around and pierce ourselves with the word of God. Jesus says those who lose their life for him will gain it eternally. Let us wound our flesh mortally in order to see eternal glory. I've been called a masochist when it comes to killing this flesh of mine. I laugh and respond that's right! This skin I'm wrapped in is a beast. It looks to consume sin after sin, so I fight it with the living word of God to become more like him.

Nazerite Vow

In the bible, Samson lived under what was called the nazerite vow. It was a life style of being set apart since birth to refrain from certain things to establish purity. As Chritians we sometimes forget that we are set apart from the rest of the pack. We were called to be a new creation which I would go as far as saying a totally new species. When we're birthed in this new genre of people we need to remember to not mix it up with the locals.
Many times in the word it talks about the nation of Israel getting involved with the other tribes and tainting the blood of the once pure breed God intended. We are in the world, but not of it. The process of being set apart is up to you now. Will you continue to persue the new nature of living or will you stray and create a monster out of your life?
It was said that nothing good can come from Nazereth, but Jesus was from Nazereth and he proved a planet wrong when he died on a cross, rose from a grave, and ascended to heaven on our behalf. Remember to honor your vows and sanctify yourself in life to remain a pure and holy generation.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


2 Timothy 2: 3-4 reads Endure hardships, with us like a good soldier Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs-he wants to please in commanding officer.

This verse speaks volumes into the type of men and women we're meant to be in Christ. When we're fully submitted and fully committed to God and his call we'll be presented with tests to make us stronger and equip us for more hardships. Sometimes in life we tend to forget our position and get involved in CIVILIAN AFFAIRS. At that moment we're are out of formation and are vulnerable to attack. Stepping out of line is stepping out of the path God laid for us since the beginning of time. Remember if you're a soldier discipline yourself and march forward, but once you step out and get involved in worldly affairs you function like a civilian. All your training and hard work counts for nothing and you become just another target.
Soldiers in Christ the enemy will not sleep, so neither should you!
Always be on guard and on watch for the enemy and know how to fight when he starts to charge.

Spiritual Shape

What kind of shape is your Spirit in?
Is it skinny and weak or is it a beast ready to take on the armies of hell?
Listen, you either feed your Spirit and train it for war or you neglect it so it won't be able to last during boot camp. If you've enlisted in the Army of Light you better get your Spirit ready for war because the enemy's going to attack you no matter what. So, decide today which one you'll be in your spiritual fitness. Will you be another casualty of war or will you be a highly decorated soldier? The choice is yours.

As for me, I'm ready for duty and I'm shouting the war cry for my brother's in arms to fight by my side.

reporting for duty, The Captain of the Army of Light.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

In His Arms

In His arms that's where I'd be,
In His arms He held a tree,
with His arms He set me free,
He fought with death and won for me,

In His arms He carried sin,
In His arms He took them in,
with His arms He took what's been,
He broke the chains the key is Him,

In His arms I feel at home,
In His arms I'm not alone,
with His arms my heart of stone,
He turned to flesh with blood and bone,

In His arms it feels so right,
In His arms He holds me tight,
with His arms and all his might,
He comforts me through day and night,

In His arms I'm swept away,
In His arms that's where I lay,
with His arms formed like clay,
He showed me love with Love I stay,

In His arms I know I'm safe,
In His arms my hiding place,
with His arms held face to face,
He wipes me off my past erased,

In His arms that's where I start,
In His arms a work of art,
with His arms I'll never part,
He gave his life I give my heart.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

21 days of Death

What would you do to get more of God? Would you push yourself beyond all your normal limits to just get a little closer to his glory? I am such a person. I was in a position to do something I normally wouldn't do to have God fill me up as I emptied myself out. I decided and God confirmed that I should go on an extended fast, so I choose to do a 21 day fast with nothing but liquid. My prayer was God give me all of you and none of me. I was fed up with being flesh driven and spiritually on the passengers side. In my fast I realized so many things that have accelerated me into a new realm with my heavenly father. Dying to the flesh is no easy task and even as I fasted I knew that my flesh would always be there, but I had to decide who was going to control me my flesh or the Holy Spirit. IT IS A CHOICE! The devil has no power over us as children of God, but we can give into him if we choose to.
As I put myself through the dying process the Lord became my strength. It was so hard. I felt my flesh tug on me like never before and when my flesh gave up the emotions of my soul's nature came out in full force. I fought harder and harder to make it past each day of struggling and I focused on God and never showed any weakness to the outside world. I prayed for so many people and things then I ever have before in my life. I felt prayers in a different way and knew in the spiritual things were moving on their behalf. God helped me realize that this fast was about me to a point, but in the end it would be for the benefit of others.
The task before me is a huge feat, but with God on my side I already have the victory. I'm looking to go out into the dark streets and speak his word to break strongholds, cast out demons, and heal people in Jesus name. As some of us know some things can only be broken with prayer and fasting. God revealed even before I knew that I was going out to do his work in a major way. Revival is coming because the harvest is just waiting to be reaped and I'm ready to work. I've been in a season of spiritual boot camp and I've passed with honors. I don't boast of anything I've done but what God's going to do through me now that I've become an empty vessel.
I aligned myself with other men who love the Lord with all their hearts and are ready to take his gospel to those starving for it. After dying many days I believe God will honor our body and honor what I'll be doing under the cover of our ministry. My churches mission is to be a light to guide all nations to God and I aim to do just that. I believe I'm going to be tossed into a season that will supernaturally prepare me for a big jump in my walk. I move by faith not by sight as the Lord guides me down the path he's already prepared for me. I won't stop until I've completed all the work he's purposed for me to do on this earth. Boldness, power, and authority will be my persona and this world will be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit in me. In Jesus name amen amen.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Old Me-vs-New Me

I want to focus on Col. 3: 5-14 and break some things down. I've been on a mission of dying to my flesh and it's been a roller coaster. As Children of God we're called to die to the old self and put on the new self and walk accordingly. There was an old nature we lived in, but as new creatures, we can only survive in our new habitat.

What do you do when the old you starts pulling on the new you?

Fight back with prayer, praise, and the word of God.

As humans we have a 3 parts that dictate how we use our freewill to make choices. The flesh, the soul, and the spirit.
Our flesh is based on our 5 senses and so we act on what is appealing to those things.
The soul functions on emotions and how we feel motivates how we react to situations.
Then there's our spirit, the part that connects to our Father to be more like him and tap into his power.
Brothers and sisters these areas are no easy task to tackle.
My hunger for the God must demolish the hunger I have for the things of this world.
The way I feel should not outweigh the love I feel about my Faithful Father.
I should be led by his spirit and let the spirit he's given me, transform the Old Me into New Me.

Make no mistake there'll be a constant battle between our flesh and our spirit until the day we die, BUT we have the upper hand.
In the word of God there are tools we can use to crucify those things and move forward, instead of always looking back and being haunted by the ghosts of our past.



BUT, if you're not careful you might find yourself going back to the grave site and digging up the old you and creating a monster.
So act like the NEW YOU and forget the OLD YOU.
Because the NEW YOU looks good on you..................Don't be shy POSE!!!!
Stand out or blend in the choice is yours, but as for me EWWWW I'M FEELING BRAND NEW.

signing off, THE NEW CREATION

Monday, July 21, 2008

Prison of Flesh

25 years of life and I realize that there is no escape from this fleshy prison while I live.
It cages my spirit man and tries to smother him until he's weak and ineffective.
My spirit screams for it's freedom as it scratches and claws at the walls of this suffocating cell.
My spirit roars and the bars of the cage quiver in fear.
Every bone in my body is set ablaze with the FIRE of the LORD.
My spirit has escaped the Prison of Flesh.

In my walk I know I must die to my flesh daily, because daily, I'm surrounded by it's filth.
In the Word, after the HOLY SPIRIT descended on Christ he went straight into the wilderness.
He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, then he bested the evil one. He conquered his flesh and did not let it conquer him. Ruling over flesh is possible and the key is prayer and fasting. My flesh has tortured me and I finally found a way to torture it back.

Then I ask myself, Is a day of praying and fasting suitable for my situation? NO!
Then I ask another question, How did Jesus do it? 40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS
My spirit has been at war with my flesh since day one, but if I can get the upper hand in this war I'll take it. If praying and fasting is the tool used to put my flesh back in check and under HIS authority, then this man's gotta do what THEE MAN had to do.

QUESTION: Have you died to your flesh lately?

Sirayne (Breakin Out The Prison Of Flesh)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing

God speaks to every child of his in specific and unique ways and it adds to the intimacy of the relationship. I remember a few occasions where God told me he sings to me.
Who am I? How is it that the King of kings and Lord of lords, master of all creation sings to me?
He's so intimate with me and in return someone introduced me to this song and I want to sing this to my loving FATHER.

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

Sorrowing I shall be in spirit,
Till released from flesh and sin,
Yet from what I do inherit,
Here Thy praises I'll begin;
Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Thy great help I've come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.

Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood;
How His kindness yet pursues me
Mortal tongue can never tell,
Clothed in flesh, till death shall loose me
I cannot proclaim it well.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I'll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

I sing this song to you and I know you smile on me even in my mess. I love you and my heart will always be yours.

your son, Josiah Centeno aka DeadMan, The Wild Man of God, Sirayne.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fishers of Men

Matt. 4:19 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

This is when Jesus was calling the first disciples and you can already see what type of mind Christ had. He used what was natural to expose them to what they could be in the super natural.
We cast out the net of the gospel into the treacherous waters of this world and see what generation of people we entangle when we pull in the load. These waters are full of people swimming in their sin not knowing the fate that awaits. As those who were rescued from the depths we now stand on the boat of salvation and get a chance to go fishing. But will you continue to do things your way and strain yourself casting your net where you THINK you'll catch some fish or will you allow Jesus to tell you were to cast it in order to catch so many sousl you can't even contain it all? Remember we're now in the position to bring in those who are lost, but we must do it in God's way not our own. Be passionate in prayer, powerful in praise, and wait on the word of God. Don't lose sight of God's vision for your life and replace it with your own vision.

Sirayne "Going Fishing"

Invasion of the Army of Light

I closed my eyes and God gave me a vision. He showed me a powerful army coming out of the light of heaven and into the darkness of this world. The army clouded the sky, covered the earth, and flooded the waters. The light followed them as they went to war and it began to consume the darkness. Men and Women of God I remind you that we are this army. When we march this world takes notice and the enemy flees from us. Our Father smiles from heaven when he sees us taking back from the enemy what was rightfully ours. With the power and authority given to us by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and endowed with the Holy Spirit. Continue in Revival and keep moving forward as the Light of Christ in us transforms the ashes of this world into streets of Gold.
amen amen

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

40 Days or 40 Years

Would you rather walk in the wilderness for 40 days or 40 years?
In the Old Testament the Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years, because they wouldn't obey God and it took them a lot longer to get to their promise land.
When Jesus stepped on the scene he went into the wilderness for a fast of 40 days. He accomplished in 40 days what it took the Israelites 40 years to do.
But there was big difference between their promise land and his. A land flowing with milk and honey awaited them, but Jesus had to take on the sins of the world past, present, and future, then face the cross. They were led by pillars of cloud and fire and he was led like a lamb to the slaughter. Each got was promised to them, but one made it to the destination on time. Be obedient and follow God's voice to make it to your promise land. No matter how difficult the road or how many things distract you press through and you will make it to your promise land.

Wrestle with God

Have you ever been at a point where you wanted God so bad that if he showed up right in front of you, you'd grip him up and hold on until he gave you more?
I know I've starved for the things of God and when I see him moving I grab on with all of my might. God loves to be chased and when he sees us running after him it puts him in the position to be caught and we gain all the benefits that come along with that. Remember to always be on the look out for God and when you see him hold on. When he shows up it's to do something miraculous and if you want a part of that miracle you need to hold on.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Prisoner's Of War

POW- a person who has been captured and imprisoned by the enemy in war.

Have you ever felt like you've been captured and imprisoned in this WAR we call Christianity?
As I war for my God, my family, my church, my generation, my city, my nation, myself, I see the casualties of war and fellow soldiers taken captive. But it's a sad sight to see when you watch fellow soldiers defeat themselves before the enemy can even get to them. You witness in the heat of battle the horror of losing your loved ones, but it's like they walked into the prison themselves. A walk without power and authority is no walk at all. It says in the book of Isaiah that if you don't stand firm in your faith you won't stand at all. That's a bold statement that should wake you up to the reality of what it means to be a Christian. If you're still getting defeated by yourself you can't go to war. True warriors are born on the battlefield, but if you stand on the side line instead of the front line how will you know what you're made of?


1 Corinthians 3:10-15
By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, that is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he had built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

The only foundation that can hold up something eternal is the ROCK, Jesus Christ. Everything that is built will be tested through his purifying FIRE. Will you be builders that when the FIRE comes only escape with your life? Or will you be a builder who's foundation is secure and will go through the purifying and still stand tall? I apply this to myself as someone trying to build something eternal and pleasing to my Father. I let him break up and get rid of all the debris in my life, so he can be my FOUNDATION, and the rest is history. Build something eternal and receive your reward in heaven. Don't be someone who loses years of work thinking you were standing on the rock when you were really building sand castles. The waves will come and the FIRE will consume, but will you be honored or put to shame for a foolish foundation.

Spirit Search

It says in the Book of Corinthians that the Holy Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God himself. So, I present you with a question. What is your Spirit searching for? Does it skim the surface of God's character? Or does it dig deep unraveling the layers upon layers of the wonders of Christ. Ever since I decided to pick up my cross and follow HIM, I've wanted more and more. Fighting tooth and nail to get to the one who created me with such potential. Just like our relationship with God we haven't even seen a glimpse of what life could be like.
There is a pain of wanting to be more, but the fear haunts us and keeps us from reaching for it. We need to be those people to reach for what seems to be unreachable. Search the deep things of God and witness how good it truly is.
amen amen

Monday, June 23, 2008

What Do You Stand For?

If you stand for nothing then you will fall for everything.
If you don't stand for anything how easily will it be to fall?
We walk through life out for ourselves but there is a greater cause. God is the only thing with substance in this world and yet we won't stand for him. I quit walking alone and took my stance on the front line ready for war. God let my body be scarred and torn apart by the enemy until all that is left is you. Unbreakable, unrelentless, unbelievable, you are the KING of kings and LORD of lords and I choose to be whatever you want me to be in your kingdom.

Wilderness Campaign

As I walk through my wilderness sometimes I grow weary not seeing any progress in MY timing. While I walk with God and remain faithful, trusting that he has a plan to use those situations to teach me a lesson, he speaks to me. He tells me, my son your STRENGTH is being tested. The Hebrew word for strength literally means a warrior's strength. My Father is teaching me to rely totally on his strength to become a warrior for his cause. Now in my desert place my posture changes from a slumped and defeated limp to a confident and overcoming march. I remind myself to keep moving through the pain to get to my promise land. So I pick up my cross and tighten my laces as I walk through the valley of death. Abba, You are my Strength.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fan The Flame

Living a life a Revival is only something the spiritually hungry undergo in their walk. To be tested every second of everyday to get closer to the living God. Our body is put through the purifying process to melt away the sin in our life to see the face of our Lord. Once we realize the Holy Spirit's power in us, it should consume us like fire in our bones. That's when we grasp the fact that we're instruments of war forged in the flames of righteousness. Time after time I find myself using only a glimpse of the authority and power given to me as a Christian and it makes my spirit long for more. The solution is simple. FAN THE FLAME. We already have the power we just need to have faith in God and live it out. Consume the word, pray with passion, and praise with all your heart, soul, mind, and YOUR life will be a testimony of what God WILL do. If you seek Revival STOP! You're in Revival you just need to start living like it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Letter to Self

Dear Self,
I don't know how to start this letter, so I'll just get right to the
point. We've been together for a long time, but in this last year and
a half things have changed. I'm not the same person you once knew. I
know what you're thinking, who knows you better than me? I'm sorry to
say this but I've found someone else. He knows me better than you and
as crazy as it sounds he knew me before you did. He told me he made me
for greater things that this world has never seen. He makes me feel so
good even when he tells me things I don't want to hear. This letter is
to tell you that I can't be with you anymore. I remember the trouble
we got into and all the pain you caused me. I listened to you for way
to long and I'm sick and tired of feeling alone. Even as I write this
down I feel freer than I've ever felt. It's like I'm changing into the
person he told me I'd be transforming into as we speak. He is real and
he's closer to me than you'd ever be. I look at him and want to be
like him. When he looks at me he seems to look deeper than you ever
have. I'm leaving you and never coming back. He will be my everything.
He will supply all my needs. He will teach me to be who I was destined
to be and accomplish what I need to accomplish. Good-bye forever
because today I'm dead to you.

Sincerely yours, the New Creation of Christ Josiah Centeno

John 1:13

Fruit of Prayer

Have you seen the fruits of your prayers?
Sometimes we pray and we feel there is delay in the process between
speaking and getting our results.
Remember that it's in God's timing not ours. Let me just share how
crazy God answers prayer and how his timing is so on point it'll make
your head spin.
On Friday I left early for work to go to my cousin's funeral. I had a
feeling all day that God wanted me to pray, so I went home and prayed.
I prayed for people at the funeral to be saved and changed. Funeral
went very well. Monday I go to work and it's just me and my team lead
there. He looked a little off and was playing gospel music which is
very un like him. I asked him if he was ok and he said no. I said if
you need anything let me know. Went to the bathroom came back and then
he opened up and told me his situation. He felt like he was backed up
against a wall and God was trying to get his attention. Praise God
great place to be for change. I shared somethings the Holy Spirit put
on me to share about his situation and then shared my testimony.
(Behind the scenes) He has been praying with another co-worker before
this happened. He took it all in and was shocked at the transformation
God's done in my life. After all is said and done he looks like a
burden has lifted and I invited him to church to have encounter with
God not a church experience. I looked around and I still noticed
nobody was there. He told me that Friday they told everyone at the end
of the day not to come in. He told me he was gonna call me but he just
couldn't. God or coincidence? I've been praying for a while that God
would put someone in my path to share the gospel from work. Prayer
answered. He's been praying with people. Prayer answered. I still had
a job even though I wasn't supposed to be there. Prayer answered. NOT
ONLY THAT but I've been praying for my brother Jeremy to come back
home or meet someone where he was in Florida to speak to him and get
him back on the right track with Christ and my wife text me that he's
going to be moving back in august. I prayed for that a long time ago
and almost forgot but in the midst of my joy of sharing what God has
done for me to save someone else God gave me and extra blessing that
almost had me in tears at work.
God who am I that you listen and never forget a single prayer I make?
God is perfect in his timing the way he set things up there is no way
you can call all of that a coincidence.
Faith as small as a mustard seed? I just moved up to apple seed.

The Origin

Remember things past that forms the present future.

"Can you handle revival? Do you thrive under pressure? Is the
stretching of your gifts, talents and energies giving you the
sensation that something is brewing? I am shouting inside when the
battle get's loud on the outside. Get in your prayer closet's beloved.
Attack the word with a pit bull faith. Live like you are responsible
for 1000 of lives because you are. We are out to destroy the gates of
hell and believe me hell is after you whether you like it or not.
Today let your fury be focused at the hordes of evil. You may not used
to fighting but a power is waiting for you to say the word, swing the
sword and grab your courage because tonight you will need it before
the sun goes down. This might all sound a bit dramatic depending on
where you are. Regardless I leave you to these action steps and let
the righteous rise up." from Pastor Jamie Centeno of In The Light
Ministries Philadelphia

Remember what God whispered in your ear? He told you who you are
supposed to be. The secret identity has been revealed, and your
awesome power awakened. Do like the super heroes do when they find out
they have the power to save lives and become stronger than they could
have ever imagined, USE IT! Your heroes journey starts NOW there are
people dying in our story. Will you be the one that watches them die
without a chance to know the one who saved you then gave you the same
power he has?


What's your Super-Power?

sirayne aka the Captain of the Army of Light

The Sound of Revival

There is a low rumbling coming from In The Light Philadelphia like the
noise you hear before a storm hits. Praise and Worship flash like
lightning illuminating the house of God. Our Prayers rip through the
sky and crack the spiritually dead streets causing the lost to look
around in confusion. There's always the calm before the storm, but
that time is over. Philadelphia is screaming out for Revival. Not a
Revival to come but REVIVAL NOW.


The Sound of Revival is rising. They say the storm is the calmest
before it hits, but I'm tired of being contained. The Holy Spirit
inside me has been waiting to be unleashed to another level. I am the
WILDMAN of GOD. God is calling me to the front line. He knows I love
being in the storm and battling the enemy in the muddy trenches of war
for the souls trapped in the same prison I escaped from. Let's get our
hands dirty for the things of God.
I'M GOING TO WAR. Who's coming with me?

Father and Son

I was born. I learned how to crawl. I learned how to walk. I learned
how to run.
My Father watched me as I began to crawl. He taught me how to walk.
Then He let me run.
But I ran to far. I got lost.
I ran into a lot of trouble. I walked into a lot of danger. I fell
into a lot of temptation. All I could do now is crawl.
Tears filled my eyes. All around me was darkness. I was afraid.
I screamed out to my Father. He heard me. He came.
His voice was as gentle as a whisper, yet still powerful, like the
sound of rolling thunder.
As He got closer His light caused the darkness to flee. Everything
around me was exposed.
Demons surrounding me screaming for the blood in my veins and the soul
in my chest.
But they feared my Father and ran back into the shadows.
There was peace all around me. There was comfort in his presence.
Everything became still.
He picked me up in His arms. I was safe.
He told me no more running. No more crawling.
He said let's walk together. I told Him as long as He'd hold my hand
and never let go.
He smiled.
"I'll never let go of you just make sure you hold on to me."

The War Before Me

As I gaze over the land that has been raped and ravaged by it's
inhabitants a chill crawls up my spine. The stench of death scorches
my nostrils and burns my lungs as I inhale. Murder and loose morals
darken every street corner with no one seeking a solution. So I hang
my head low as the hunger for HIM, grows inside my soul. Tears begin
to stream down my face and I hear a voice. It was as gentle as a
breeze but as powerful as an earthquake.
Weakness crept over my body and my knees gave way. My head rose to the
sky and I responded, how?
The heavens seemed to smile as a beam of light pierced through the
clouds and fell upon me. My body felt like it was being transformed
from the inside out. I felt the power lifting me back to my feet.
The voice replied, I WILL USE YOU TO UNLEASH ME
My spirit trembled with anticipation, but my body was still like a
tree deeply rooted. My eyes were different. I saw things clearer like
a veil was lifted from in front of my eyes. The profanity I heard
before was now being drowned out by the cries for help. I could feel
the love growing for those who were once involved in all kinds of evil
Now I spoke and declared, I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me. There is a war before me, but I will not retreat. I
will lay down my life for the one who saved my soul. I will take back
everything that's been stolen from me, my family, and the nations in
the name of JESUS. Then I shouted, VICTORY IS ON THE HORIZON!!! So I
ran towards it and didn't look back.

The Mountain

I was talking to God a couple of weeks ago and asked him what he
wanted to speak to me that day. So I closed my eyes like I normally do
and opened up my bible to Isaiah 2 The Mountain of the Lord. I read it
and was like naaaaaah that's not for me, so I closed my bible and
opened it again to Micah 4 MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD!!!!! I was like what
in the world. You can look it up for yourself but it talks about God
establishing his Mountain (Church, Kingdom, etc) in the last days and
how it'll be the highest of the high. After meditating on it for a
couple days and talking to some people I came to the conclusion that
God was telling me In The Light Philadelphia is going to be a Mountain
in the Last days. Just look back at what people spoke over our church
and the things we've been able to see and be apart of. It's crazy that
God would choose us to be so highly favored. God is good and he loves
our church and we need to move forward knowing that. I agree so let it
be. amen amen

Unstoppable Christianity

As the heaviness of the Lord's presence weighed down on me sunday
morning during worship I got into my zone that makes me close my eyes
and internally seek God's face. I talked to my Father and asked him
questions about my journey and what he plans on teaching me next.
Suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw the sheer white flags being veiled
over the words on the projector screen, and I almost cried. I was
flooded with emotion by the overwhelming power of the bond I have with
my Creator. To me the flags revealed the veil I sometimes put over the
word of God that blinds me to the point that I can't experience how
beautiful his teachings are. When I unveil or open the word I as a
Christian begin to intertwine with the WORDS of God himself. If I
allow him to teach me through methods that would cripple or paralyze a
regular person how much stronger would I be in my walk. Pastor Jamie
spoke on being Unstoppable with the annointing of Christ and once we
tap into that power it's over. If I'm not halted by the pain than I
can never be stopped. My father made me for war so he teaches me the
tactics of warfare in worship, the power of prayer, and the potency of
praise. Armed with the sword of the spirit I'm ready for the battles
to come. As I stand in the middle of the battlefield and raise my
banner and shout out the war cry to my King, he shows the world the
beauty of a man in battle triumphing over his enemies in the name of
the Lord.

Break It Down

My breakthrough requires three things me, God, and an obstacle. As I
stare at the obstacle God says to me...You ready? A smirk creeps to my
lips as I reply, Let's break it down!!!! The Lord is my strength whom
shall I be afraid? The Holy Spirit is inside me, Jesus Christ's blood
covers my body, and God the father is watching my back, front, top,
bottom, and side to side. I'm protected all around with an
impenetrable force field and I'm a force to be reckoned with. The the
power of God with me no obstacle is to big because my God is bigger.
Thank you Daddy for giving me the good things in you to make me like

The Power Of Out The Box

As I reflect on my relationship with my Father I think of all the
things he's taught me. How to be strong in the midst of difficult
times. To listen even when I don't like what I'm hearing. To serve and
be obedient even though my pride was telling me to do the opposite.
Now that I'm used to doing these things with the right heart I want to
know what else he can teach me. To see visions, break down
strongholds, cast out demons, heal people with all kinds of
sicknesses? Yes!!! Jesus said "Greater things will I do in the name of
the Lord." But my question is how do I get to exercise these gifts
that we already have? The answer is simple. TRUE FAITH IS ACTION. If I
believe what God says in his word I need to go out there and find
people who need these changes in there life and have faith the size of
the smallest seed on earth and do it through Christ Jesus who
strengthens me. I don't know about you but I see to many people dying
and suffering to just sit back and chill. I'm stepping out of the box
and I'm believing God and what he says in his word and do tap in to
what he has in store for our ministry, our city, our nation. AMEN AMEN

Tsk Tsk

What's going on family?
I've been going through a little rough patch in my walk and have been
steering off course. I have no one to blame, but myself. I hate losing
those moments of just being with God to wallow in my own mess. It took
me looking back at something I wrote during Revival to get me in the
right mindset again. I have to remember to live out my walk and not
just talk the talk. I love my daddy and when I don't take advantage of
his teachings I get weak. Father forgive me the sins I committed and
thank you for reminded me with a quick jab who I am. I snapped out of
it and I'm ready to get back in line.

Whatchu You Know About That?

What is Revival? Revival is bringing back to life something that was
dead. Our church has been brought back to life!!! How do you continue
to walk in that? Live a life of reformation. Reformation means change,
so we live life growing in things of God. When Pastor Abraham spoke
the message for our body he said "Light yourself on fire (for Christ)
and people will come watch you burn." Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan if that
doesn't get you hype nothing will, because that was a message from
God. As our Church is torn down and rebuilt time and time again we
must remember his promise to keep on going. If you want to walk in the
spirit "PRAISE HIM"!!!!!!!!! with all you have and he will in turn
give you all you desire and more. I LOVE JESUS....... and I'll live my
life according to that.

Rich Fools

I called this post rich fools because as Christians that's what we act
like. I don't know about you but my Daddy's the King of kings which
means he got some stuff at his disposal. And when it's said King of
kings and Lord of lords; who do you think it's talking about? It's
talking about us knuckle head. We are kings and queens representing
him and when we don't strut around like "I'm rich" then people won't
notice Christ as being a God who provides ALL. We're the kingdom of
Christ on earth right? Our pockets are already overflowing we just
haven't been investing enough in God and having faith in his promises
of provision. Come on people! Do you wanna be weak in your walk??? Not
me. God has spoken to me directly and through other people saying that
I'm gonna get so much of an outpouring of riches that I won't know
what to do with it. In the words of Flava Flav YEAAAAAAAAAA
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOY! I accept that promise and the terms it comes with to
endure some hardships to get there. If I'm blessed that much that
means I can bless others as much as God tells me to. Thank you Father
that I can be a servant to you and give what you've given me to bless
I dedicate my talents, finances, energies, and love to the kingdom to
be increased so I may increase others. So I can live my life saying,
"I will be to blessed to be stressed." quote from Pastor Jamie.
Amen( I agree so let it be)

Deepest Depths

As new born or rededicated Christians we start our walk by taking our
baby steps of faith on the gentle shores of REAL LIFE. We creep closer
and closer towards the Ocean which will present us with wave after
wave of the Love of God. However, these waters are filled with deadly
sharks ready to devour us at any sign of weakness. Not being the best
of swimmers in the beginning we recoil in fear. It's sad how quickly
we forget we have the Holy Spirit as our life preserver and the Blood
of Jesus which is way to potent for the enemies to want to try and
take a bite. But remember this, closer we want to get to our Father in
Heaven the deeper the waters get and the more we will have to face our
fears and rely totally on his protection. The question is are you
ready? As for me, my answer is YES. I remember when I was to afraid to
swim in God's love I wouldn't even step off the boardwalk, but now
it's a different story. I'm ready to dive in and swim with all my
might, because I've survived the shark bites and came back tougher and
more equipped to face the waves and the storms of the enemy. I have
many scars that map out the testimony of my growth in which I was put
through and let me tell you I look spiritually diesel. And on top of
that I have a team of swimmers by my side who overcame the obstacles
looking nice and strong too. People who've had chunks taking out of
their flesh only to be replaced by the undying flesh of Jesus Christ.
And I thank God I have people who can help me out when I get a cramp
or get tired to keep me going. But right now I'm doing back strokes
during this time of revival enjoying the waves and feeling real good.
And I know when the sharks and storms come back even stronger than
before you better believe I'm swimming right into those things and
coming out looking even better than before. Amen and Amen
Let's Go Swimming In The Deep IN THE LIGHT MINISTRIES

Military Mindset

Prayer was the key to awaken a new level of urgency in my relationship
with my Father/King/Lord. During the prayer vigil I was getting vision
of my growth and what I would become in the Lord's Perfect purpose for
me within our ministry. The power of Ezekiel and speaking to dry bones
always causes my spirit to want to jump out of my flesh and explode.
The spiritual warfare call to speak in tongues and slay demons. A new
vision of a music conductor moving my hands to the orchestra and choir
and singing praises and worshiping God in an untouched level.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I'm ready to get dirty. I'm ready to get in the
trenches and infiltrate the enemy's camp and take back what was stolen
from my Father/King/Lord. It's time to change my mindset to a Military
Mindset and go and do some damage. We can't just sit back and let the
enemy attack us and destroy everything around us. We are in the battle
field it's time to start acting like it in all we do and say. Make
every strike count and make every stand be deeply rooted in Christ. We
will win. We will have victory. We will take back what was taken. Amen

In The Wild

Our story begins with a call.
Pastor Jamie Centeno accepts.
He moves his entire family to Philadelphia and is joined by other
believers who believe God will change the city.
Services started in his living room with a small group. People came
and went, a few stayed.
Then we have a change of location and services begin in J's Hilltop.
People came and went, a few more stayed.
Our Leadership grew. Small but Powerful.
The new building was complete, not without a lot of hardship.
A new foundation built on Susquehanna.
>From outreaches to triple p night we receive more and more from the

Lord. People come and go, more stay.
In a short period of time we've gone through our own individual
battles and have overcome, so personally I'd like to say to those who
have overcome I, Josiah Centeno have seen it and acknowledge that God
has changed you and will continue to build you up.
To my Pastor, you bring the word to life and no matter how many go the
ones who stay will make that much more of an impact.
To our Praise Team, the way you bring it continues to show me what
real freedom in God is.
To our Leadership, you are strong and capable and I am honored to be
by your sides.
To our Child Care, to be able to care for children who are not your
own with such love is astounding and should be applauded always.
To our body, please keep fighting because we are being built to be
more through our pain and suffering.
I have been through the fire and bloodied myself in battle and I laugh
and praise God through it all because I am his what is there to fear.
Thank you Lord for loving me and making me unique.

Look In The Mirror

When I used to look in the mirror...........

I used to see a Man with his innocence stolen at a young age by sexual
immorality and pornagraphic images whose eyes lusted after women and
the pleasure of their company.
I also saw a lifeless face robbed of emotions from years accepting
hate, anger, and unforgiveness in its place.
I was man so cold and numb to this world that when the word love was
spoken it made his insides sick.

>From my eyes, ear, mouth, and head dripped the poison I had learned to

accept from this world.
My mind was a dark and black pit and I huddled in the corner screaming
in silence.
But now..............
There is a man with a new set of eyes. Eyes that see clear into the
horizon where his father is standing with open arms. My wounds are
bandaged and I am being healed body, soul, and mind. There is hope in
my face and there is new life and emotion. I accept love and know how
to return it. I have strength and I have survived my battle and my
King is to thank. You are my savior and you wrap me in your arms and
embrace me and your son eternally. I love you Lord you made me brand
new and I will seek only you because nothing else will do.

Join Us

We are foreigners in this world. We survive and yet it's not our
natural habitat. Why? God has given us the Holy Spirit which allows us
to survive the harshest conditions. Flaming arrows, fiery darts, and
countless enemies who wish to take us down with them. We are here to
infect this nation not to be infected by it. So praise God, Pastors,
Apostles, Evangelist, Prophets, Prophetess, Armour Bearers, Musicians,
Artists, and Writers. Children of the King we are all called to this
world for a purpose and we MUST accomplish that before we leave. We
are alien in a strange and familiar place, but we are never alone. We
have each other and most important we have God.

Living Legends

This message is for our church as a whole. I've been part of In The
Light Ministries Philadelphia since the beginning stages in my (Pastor/
brother'shouse) and my experience was anything but easy. I was
introduced to a relationship with God that I've never known. In this
process I died to many things, but now I welcome these hardships with
the readiness of a warrior. And so let it be shouted in the
battlefield that my scars in this war will be badges of honor. To my
Father, my King, my Savior, and my God; thank you for allowing me to
be tested so that I will become stronger and closer to you. The world
of men will recognize my face and in the realm of the spirit they will
see The Wild Man of God. So remember we're all meant to be something
great, but If we don't endure our boot camp we will never become
legends in the kingdom Christ.

A Warrior Is Born

The sounds of war echo in the alleyways of a city engulfed in darkness. There is a faint cry heard and the world is silenced. The one prophesied about has come. He was born, he lived, he died, than he rose again. When he ascended he left the gift of the Holy Spirit for all those willing to fight for his name. I choose to fight and so he's chosen me to wage war against an enemy who wants to rob, kill, and destroy everything he stands for. I was created to fight this war and it's infused in my make up. From now on I live my life with one thing in mind fight for the one who fought for me. amen amen