Monday, September 22, 2008

Double Edged Sword

Hebrews 4:12 talks about the word of God being like a double edged sword that separates; soul from spirit, joints and marrow, and the mind and heart. Sometimes we swing the word of God around aimlessly and exhaust ourselves in the process. So often we apply the word to outside forces and forget to apply it to the internal battles. I'd like to introduce a practice that samurai's use when they've been defeated called sepuku. Samurai kneel down and turn the blade they've used to slaughter countless enemies and pierce themselves with a fatal wound.
I believe this can translate over to Christians everywhere. Sometimes we need to turn the double edged sword around and pierce ourselves with the word of God. Jesus says those who lose their life for him will gain it eternally. Let us wound our flesh mortally in order to see eternal glory. I've been called a masochist when it comes to killing this flesh of mine. I laugh and respond that's right! This skin I'm wrapped in is a beast. It looks to consume sin after sin, so I fight it with the living word of God to become more like him.

Nazerite Vow

In the bible, Samson lived under what was called the nazerite vow. It was a life style of being set apart since birth to refrain from certain things to establish purity. As Chritians we sometimes forget that we are set apart from the rest of the pack. We were called to be a new creation which I would go as far as saying a totally new species. When we're birthed in this new genre of people we need to remember to not mix it up with the locals.
Many times in the word it talks about the nation of Israel getting involved with the other tribes and tainting the blood of the once pure breed God intended. We are in the world, but not of it. The process of being set apart is up to you now. Will you continue to persue the new nature of living or will you stray and create a monster out of your life?
It was said that nothing good can come from Nazereth, but Jesus was from Nazereth and he proved a planet wrong when he died on a cross, rose from a grave, and ascended to heaven on our behalf. Remember to honor your vows and sanctify yourself in life to remain a pure and holy generation.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


2 Timothy 2: 3-4 reads Endure hardships, with us like a good soldier Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs-he wants to please in commanding officer.

This verse speaks volumes into the type of men and women we're meant to be in Christ. When we're fully submitted and fully committed to God and his call we'll be presented with tests to make us stronger and equip us for more hardships. Sometimes in life we tend to forget our position and get involved in CIVILIAN AFFAIRS. At that moment we're are out of formation and are vulnerable to attack. Stepping out of line is stepping out of the path God laid for us since the beginning of time. Remember if you're a soldier discipline yourself and march forward, but once you step out and get involved in worldly affairs you function like a civilian. All your training and hard work counts for nothing and you become just another target.
Soldiers in Christ the enemy will not sleep, so neither should you!
Always be on guard and on watch for the enemy and know how to fight when he starts to charge.

Spiritual Shape

What kind of shape is your Spirit in?
Is it skinny and weak or is it a beast ready to take on the armies of hell?
Listen, you either feed your Spirit and train it for war or you neglect it so it won't be able to last during boot camp. If you've enlisted in the Army of Light you better get your Spirit ready for war because the enemy's going to attack you no matter what. So, decide today which one you'll be in your spiritual fitness. Will you be another casualty of war or will you be a highly decorated soldier? The choice is yours.

As for me, I'm ready for duty and I'm shouting the war cry for my brother's in arms to fight by my side.

reporting for duty, The Captain of the Army of Light.