Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spirit Walk

Numbers 13 & Deuteronomy 20

It was a cold and dark night in November as five mighty men of valor set out on a journey with no idea what God was going to reveal to change their lives forever. They marched and set out for the heart of the city to see what was good in the land. On the way their hearts were stirred as they looked at the people they met along the way. Their blind eyes were opened to the world that they've never experienced before and like Jesus they ached for change.
Then they reached their destination. An historical landmark that has often attracted many to it's famous steps. They climbed to the top and slowly turned around to see the landscape of beautiful skyscrapers and countless lights like stars on earth.
God had sent us on a recon mission like he sent the 12 tribes of Israel to scout out the land. We saw that it was good and like Joshua and Caleb, we knew with God on our said the city is ours. We looked into the heart of the city and saw the possibilities of what our Mighty God could do. Painting a picture with words we began to cast vision and speak life back into the "city of brotherly love." The Spirit began to move as we joined together in prayer to intercede for our promised land. We cast out fear, doubt, hollow words, and not moving in our calling in Jesus name.
Distractions and noise began to fill what was once an empty stairway. We continued to press and and magnify our God. As we finished out prayer we turned and looked to the bottom of the steps and their were clusters of people gathered. We were in awe. How powerful our God is that as we were faithful and proclaimed victory, he brought us souls to save. Still in a state of shock and disbelief we crept by unsure of what to do. Approaching one of many I asked what they were doing and the information intrigued me. I blessed him and we went on our way. Reaching the other side I had to turn and look again at what was taking place.
It was a thing of beauty to see our God work. I realized how small my belief was and how great my God is. I saw something that belonged to him and I wanted to capture it for him, but was unsure of how to do it. I said, we need to speak. Afraid and unsure of the outcome I had to do something. A brother encouraged me to go and without hesitation I did. My brothers followed as we walked in faith not by sight or feeling. I saw the one of many I talked to before and told him my testimony and what God could do in his life. The seed was planted. Obedience gave way for God to work and we were honored to be witnesses of it.
As we marched off into the night we knew God orchestrated every part of what took place. Awestruck and amazed we just praised out Father and what he did and what he's got in store for us for the rest of our lives. We had a mission and we accomplished what needed to be done. Good soldiers following orders and trusting in the one giving them. Freely we received, freely we give. Be encouraged and remember we walk by faith not by sight, by the spirit and not by the flesh.

amen amen

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mind over Matter

1 Peter 1:13 Prepare your mind for action....
What does that mean? How do you prepare your mind for action?
When I read those words I knew God was showing me something very important, but I couldn't grasp what HE was speaking. I prayed and meditated.
Hmmmmmmm.....Got it!!!
HE gave me a picture of a warrior in a quiet place. The warrior sat still, but in his eyes there was an intensity that flowed from him like electricity. If the battlefield is in the mind then the preparations must take place there as well. God was telling me I needed to still my body and envision the entire battle in my mind and fight it there. I picture the things I fight against which are not of flesh and blood and I see the victory I already have in Christ.
I opened my eyes and realized that the battle I haven't even fought yet has the same result as every other battle I'll fight for the rest of my life...VICTORY!!! If we fight in our minds against these things it'll manifest in reality. Envision your victory and then speak it into existence. We serve the God who calls things that aren't as though they were and we have the same ability.
Diseases meet HEALING
Weaknesses meet STRENGTH
I don't know about you, but I can't stand being weak in my walk with God. I need another level to get me closer to HIM and what HE wants to do on this earth. And it's funny because every time I focus on my problems God always reminds me it's not about me it's about others. You know what? I see people everyday dying slow enough for me to do something about it, but I'm slow to action. My challenge to myself and to you is to prepare your mind for action like the word of God says, and then ACT!!!

amen amen